source: tumblr


GOOD MORNING! I am throwing in this photo from London last autumn, just because I miss it like crazy. I just got up from bed, and I have just eaten a great breakfast. So now I'm gonna get out the door and out for a powerwalk/run in the snow. I want spring, not winter, okay? Kisses.


WHEN I SEE beautiful people with pixie haircuts, I really do want to cut my hair too. But I know I will regret it, so I think I have to wait some years. Haha. But it is amazingly pretty.
source: tumblr



I woke up in the best bed in the world. 

Mum and dad had eggs and bacon for breakfast. 

Our breakfast table. 

My really advanced dinner, haha. Wiener with ketchup and tortilla! 

Todays relaxed outfit; skinny jeans and a way too big cable knit. 

I love this suitcase. 

As usual I have been eating lots of fruit. 

I love this part of our summer house. 

And the snow is back... Yey..... 

My pretty bowl.
follow me at instagram @kineemelie



ONE OF THE most beautiful films in my opinion has to be The Blue Lagoon from 1980. It is pure perfection, and Brooke Shields looks beyond fabolous. I especially love her bohemian, long hair and her bushy eyebrows! Love it.
source: via google


SMOKING IS sort of cool when your name is Scarlett Johansson. Right? At least she looks cool.
source: tumblr


source: tumblr & fashiongonerogue


GOOD MORNING everybody! I have just consumed a lovely sunday breakfast, containing toast, boiled eggs and fruit tea. Yummy. So now I am ready for another day here at our cabin! Outside it is totally white, and it does not seem like the snow is stopping yet... I want spring! Now! But, I guess I can't do anything about it... Kisses.


source: different tumblr's


WELCOME to my blog! This is a brand new blog, where I will be posting things I find beautiful, my personal style and a little bit about my everyday. By the way; my name is Kine Emelie and I am a seventeen years old dreamer and fashion lover from Norway. Hope you enjoy! Kisses. Follow my blog with Bloglovin.
source: tumblr